Wellness Professional Support System – WPSS

Operating a safe and successful wellness business or clinic starts with choosing market-leading technology – but choosing the right therapeutical equipment and technology is just the beginning.

Ongoing success also requires highly effective therapeutic approaches and protocols, comprehensive systems and processes, quality assurance and multiple layers of expert support, which makes choosing the right wellness partner for your long-term success very important.

That’s why The Wellness Tree have spent many years creating and developing a comprehensive package of support for the safe, successful and sustainable operation of your wellness business or practice.

Partnering with The Wellness Tree gives you everything you need to operate a successful, safe and sustainable wellness centre. From…

  • Site surveys
  • Risk assessments
  • Professional installation and setup
  • Initial and advanced training
  • User and technical support
  • Ongoing doctor and medical support
  • Operational support including engineers & spare parts
  • Service level agreements and warranties
  • Business development
  • Marketing and sales support
  • to Quality assurance and safety

– we cover it all.

Most businesses offering wellness therapies and technologies are NOT able to provide anything like this comprehensive level of support.

Many are just selling standalone therapies such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) chambers, LED Light Beds and FIR Sauna’s without the quality assured and safety critical backup and support required to deliver safe and effective therapies and to create a successful wellness practice or business.

Choosing a wellness partner who can supply high-quality leading-edge therapeutic technologies is just the beginning. It’s essential that your wellness partner can back it up with ALL the support you will need to be able to deliver safe and effective therapies for your clients.

Here are the essential safety, quality assurance and operations systems and support that you get when you choose to partner with The Wellness Tree…

1. Selection, Site Survey, Installation

The Wellness Professional Support System (WPSS) includes critically important steps and processes before and during installation.

These are essential when it comes to operating commercial grade technologies – such as hard shell and multi place hyperbaric chambers capable of operating at pressures higher than 1.5 ATA and larger therapeutic equipment such as LED light beds and Cryotherapy saunas.

This includes site surveys for safety and suitability (including CAD 3D modelling) and comprehensive installation procedures and processes.
The Wellness Tree are proud to hold two ISO accreditations for Quality Management and Occupational Health and Safety standards – ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018.

2. Comprehensive Training

High quality training is essential to the safe and effective operation of your wellness clinic. The Wellness Tree have fully qualified and highly experienced team of experts who are able to train and support businesses and their teams in all the therapeutic technologies that we supply and support.

WPSS includes initial on-site training for you and your team delivered by an experienced and suitably qualified Wellness Tree team member. In addition, comprehensive safety and operations training is available.

For example, for HBOT we provide an online training resource (8 hours of training with a 381-page training manual) with the opportunity to gain BHT certification through IBUM (International Board of Undersea Medicine).

Further advanced bespoke training options are also available. In addition, The Wellness Tree provide customer facing printed educational resources for clinics.

3. Client Intake Screening and Medical Protocols

When it comes to HBOT (one of the key pillars of The Combined Approach) the Wellness Tree have long-standing professional relationships with the world’s top Hyperbaric Doctors and provide WPSS partners with access to a client intake process and medical safety screening system.

The client intake process and safety screening system are available with doctor support, delivered by world leading practitioners of hyperbaric medicine.

4. Ongoing Medical, Operations and Technical Support

The right wellness partner for your clinic or business will be able to offer (and have a proven track record in providing) comprehensive user, technical and medical support.
The Wellness Tree delivers expert support through our large UK team of top-class professionals.

This team have decades of experience supporting wellness professionals, businesses and organisations (including some of the UK’s highest profile elite sports clubs and organisations) to successfully introduce and sustainably deliver safe and effective wellness therapies.

5. Business Development

The Wellness Professional Support System (WPSS) also gives you access to valuable tools, resources and support to develop and grow your practice.

This includes accreditation as a Wellness Tree Professional Partner, so that you can demonstrate a commitment to and the achievement of a credible set of standards.

WPSS partners have access to wellness specific business development resources covering topics such as Getting Started, Marketing, Sales, Operations, The Combined Approach (a unique multi-therapy modality) and much more.

This also covers an awareness and understanding of the specific administrative, legal and insurance requirements that you need to consider.

In addition, WPSS partners benefit from an Upgrade Pathway which allows your operational capacity to develop as your business or clinic grows.

6. Marketing and Sales

The Wellness Tree recognise that creating a client base and building a sustainable business is a key element of creating a successful wellness practice.

The Wellness Professional Support System (WPSS) includes a high level of marketing and sales support for Wellness Tree partners. This includes…

  • Getting Started – Marketing Pack
  • Launch Programme – Support
  • Open House Talks and Presentations – In person and online
  • Marketing Collateral – Print and Online
  • Lead Generation Strategies– To attract clients
  • Client Acquisition Support – Professional sales training
  • Added Value Strategies – Ethically offering multi-therapy and multi-session programmes
  • Lifetime Value Strategies – professional cross selling and upselling
  • Referral Strategies – to grow your practice
  • Affiliate/Professional Referral Programme – to enhance your earning potential
  • Membership Programme – coming soon!
  • Referrals – from The Wellness Tree websites
  • The Wellness Tree Locations – Your locations/s listed on relevant Wellness Tree websites
  • Support with ASA/CAP Compliance – Advertising Standards Agency (ASA/CAP) guidelines

7. Quality Assurance & Safety

The Wellness Tree supports partners in the delivery of safe therapies with, for example, our client intake process, medical safety screening and access to doctor support for HBOT.

These systems are designed to identify any contraindications that indicate when a specific therapy should not be used because it may be harmful to that person.

In addition, The Wellness Tree gives partners the additional peace of mind and reassurance that comes from The Wellness Tree directly holding two internationally recognised ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) accreditations.

ISO is a trusted way to see if a company has made the commitment to put substantial time, effort and investment into making sure their product and/or service conforms to the highest quality and safety standards. The ISO accreditations that The Wellness Tree holds are…

ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation – quality management system certification. ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system.

ISO 45001:2018 certification – occupational health and safety standards. ISO 45001 accreditation is an international standard for occupational health and safety.

8. Product Liability, Warranties and Service Level Agreements

You need to be confident that your wellness technologies come with solid warranties that cover regular business and professional use.

You also need to ensure that the business offering the warranty is one of good standing – length of years in business and financial stability matter if it comes to the crunch.

The Wellness Tree offers industry-leading warranties for business and professional users.

This includes the option of comprehensive and extended service level agreements for professional clients, to give peace of mind for multiple years of operation. The Wellness Tree warranties, and optional service level agreements, are backed by our highly experienced team.

Another important protection for The Wellness Tree partners is the comprehensive product liability insurance that we hold for your protection and peace of mind.

No business can accept liability for everything, but we believe a good business will have sensible terms and conditions (that are fair) and that they will be prepared to pay for the expensive insurance premiums to back them.

The Wellness Professional Support System…

When you choose The Wellness Tree you know that you are choosing high specification, high-quality therapies and technologies backed by robust warranties and a long established, financially secure company.

But it’s not just about choosing the right equipment. To be able to safely and successfully deliver high quality wellness therapies, businesses and organisations require a wide range of additional support.

This starts with professional selection and installation, and includes risk assessments, initial and ongoing training, user and technical support, doctor and medical support, and operational support such as engineers, spare parts, service level agreements and warranties.

That’s why the Wellness Professional Support System is essential to support the needs of your business, clinic or elite sports organisation.

With years of experience, hundreds of wellness technologies successfully installed and operated across the UK, and the UK’s largest and most experienced support team – peace of mind comes as standard when you choose to partner with The Wellness Tree.

To find out more please get in touch. Our friendly team are able to answer all your questions and give you the information you need. You can call us on: 01403 740128 or get in touch via our online contact form.